It's Just a Myth Understanding

It's Just a Myth Understanding

Okay my punny headline might be a little confusing... but I'm NOT changing it! :) You know what else can be confusing? These 3 Industry Myths that I so often have to work with my clients to unlearn. Have you heard these before, or do you believe some version of them? Let's dive in and debunk this junk.


The three myths in question today (in no particular order) are:

  1. The lowest calorie option is also the healthiest.
  2. Eating after 7pm causes weight gain.
  3. You need to sweat to gain the benefits of exercise.

Myth: The lowest calorie option is also the healthiest.

Truth: All calories are not created equal. 


Tracking calories can be helpful in many different scenarios, but it's important to know that calorie count is far from the whole picture. Take a look at the picture above, with chips on the left and apples on the right. Both plates have 200 calories worth of food on them... One plate is more filling and will give you much cleaner and healthier energy (I'll let you guess which one that is).


If you're somebody who is strict about your calorie intake, I encourage you to please do some research about all of the different kinds of calories and their effects on your body. In my experience, a more mindful selection of food can be more beneficial than restricting calories.


Myth: Eating after 7pm causes weight gain.

Truth: Be mindful of your body, and eat when you're hungry.


I talk about this almost every time I talk about... well anything really! Do you want to eat healthier? Have more energy? Form a better relationship with food? Mindfulness is the key.


If you learn to listen, your body will tell you when it's hungry. And that is the time when you should be eating. Everybody's schedule is different, and plenty of perfectly healthy people end up eating later than 7pm. 


No matter when you end up eating, it's important to note here that routine is one of the most effective tools in developing healthier eating habits. For example, eating a late dinner shouldn't be the same thing as eating an extra dinner.


Kim Shapira RD

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