Start Trimly Today

Click on the purple “Message Us” button on the lower right corner of this page to start Trimly.



Sign up in three steps

Use our message portal–powered by Klara–to connect with us at your convenience. Just click on the lower right corner of this page to start the sign-up process or to ask any question you have about the treatment.

Trimly is a safe and extremely effective way to lose weight. We want to make sure that we know everything there is to know about you and your medical history.

You’ll complete a quick questionnaire so we can make sure you’re eligible for the Trimly treatment.

After we confirm your eligibility, we’ll send you a link where you can pay online for the treatment. The payment is $2,500 and it covers the Trimly program for the entire year.

The medication will be billed to your insurance. If you have a copay or if you are paying out-of-pocket for your medication, our partner pharmacy will collect payment separately.


Register and meet
your support team

After you signed up, you’ll receive an invitation to register on our website. Once you’re registered, you’ll have complete access to exclusive coaching resources on nutrition, sleep, mental well-being, exercise, and fertility. You will also get invitations to special webinars covering a range of topics discussed on our platform.

You’ll have a follow-up one-on-one Zoom with a Trimly Physician Associate who will review your medical history with you. They will then create your personalized Trimly treatment and order your medication.

And you’re on your way. Your Trimly medication will arrive via FedEx and we’ll be there for you should you have any questions.