Why I love my Cheerios

Why I love my Cheerios

You might know that I like to eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast every day. Though it isn't always the exact same thing! Mindfulness when making food decisions means that if I'm a little hungrier than normal I can pour a little extra, and if I had a big dinner the night before I can pour a little less. 

I've talked about all of this before which is why I LOVED seeing this article on Cooking Light that featured my go-to breakfast on the cover. We all have a lot going on in our lives, and many of us are going through times where things are even stranger... It helps to keep our heads clear and happy. And making less decisions in a day means we make better decisions. That's what this article describes. It's a quick read, but it reminds me of the importance of routine in keeping ourselves happy and healthy! So eat your favorite breakfast, do your favorite exercise, and get your day going right! 


Kim Shapira RD


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